Dining Etiquette

Who should sit where? Where do I put my purse or briefcase? And what about all of these forks and spoons? For today’s multi-tasking workforce, mealtime is often meeting or interview time. If you know your way around a place setting, understand the nuances of good table manners, and can successfully practice the protocol of dynamic dining, you will wow your client, prospective employer, or future significant other, while others may still be fumbling over which fork to use. During this dining tutorial, you will be instructed through everything you will need to know – from how to place your order, including wine, table posture, precedence, deportment and conversation, toasting, business conversation and what to do with your napkin.


Climbing that Corporate Ladder While Keeping Your Cool at the Table

This is a three-hour extensive dining etiquette tutorial perfect for the business executive as dining etiquette, client entertaining and best practices are instructed during your meal.

  • Effective Business Entertaining
  • Host and Guest Duties
  • Silverware Savvy
  • Navigating the Place Setting
  • Body Language at the Table
  • Handling Accidents
  • Napkin Etiquette
  • Seating Etiquette
  • Eating Various Foods
  • Toasting
  • Wine Etiquette
  • Tipping
  • American and Continental Styles of Eating
  • The Dos and Don’ts of Dining.


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Adventures in International Dining

Starting in September, learn about various cultures and international protocol while dining at an ethnic restaurant in the Indianapolis area.  Guest native speakers and scholars will join us.  Do you have an ethnic restaurant or country in mind?  Please sign up for our newsletter to receive information detailing when we will meet at various restaurants.
